Thursday, March 17, 2011

Some Art

In the wake of the latest and most horrible disaster art seems almost frivolous but then again people have been making art for centuries no matter what is going on. I have considered what kind of image could portray and honor the people who are suffering this current stirring up and shaking off of mankind and my mind doesn't want to go there...with the dark art...I end up with mostly bright and cheerful.
I am trying to gather enough art to hang at the Sojourner Cafe and reading through my notes I see that there are two big walls and two small walls. I will have to space my art out quite a bit to fill four walls...I have quite a few small pieces, sides painted but unframed, that measure 9 x 12 inches, and some bigger pieces. I have some old framed watercolors...
We shall see! Saturday the 26th of March between 8 a.m. and 11 a.m. is the time given for hanging...
I will have a "body of work" after this and can apply at our local city hall and other local venues that rotate art. This will be a plus from this production...because I often give away my art or even throw it away and keep my supply down. I get tired of looking at it or get maudlin and think it is a "failed" piece.

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